





Industrial • Architectural • Agricultural • Industrial • Architectural • Agricultural •

architectural  and commercial photography

Photography? More like photon-philosophy. I capture light, shadow, and everything whimsical in between. In my world, cameras are time machines, lenses are magic portals, and every snapshot is a ticket to somewhere unexpected.

"In a universe of chaos, my camera is the only thing that makes sense." 

What I Do: Click. Capture. Create. Repeat.

Why I Do It: Because normal is just a setting on the washing machine.

Where I Do It: Wherever the light leads me.

Currently based in the Macedon Ranges, Melbourne. 

Got a project that needs a touch of the extraordinary?

Let's make the mundane magnificent.


  • Revealing the hidden beauty in machinery and manufacturing. Each frame showcases the power and precision of industrial environments.

  • Focusing on the interplay of light, shadow, and form to capture the essence of contemporary architecture in its purest expression. Construction updates are also included in this category.

  • Bringing out the earthy charm of rural and farm life. My lens focuses on the simplicity and authenticity of agricultural scenes, highlighting the bond between land and labourer.

Let’s work together

My modern brief

I'm not your typical photographer. With a modern eye and a flair for the unconventional, I capture moments and subjects in a way that's fresh, distinctive, and distinctly 'me'. Think less traditional, more trailblazing.

Custom Visual Library

Forget generic stock photos. Your operations deserve unique, compelling imagery. I specialise in creating custom image libraries that go beyond mere photos. They are powerful communication tools, crafted to enhance stakeholder engagement and deliver a solid return on investment.

Commitment to Safety

Currently I hold a White Card & Working At Heights license. In another chapter of my life, I worked on construction sites and in manufacturing facilities. Rest easy, your peace of mind is in the frame.